suspicious port is under construction off the coast of Gaza??

suspicious port is under construction off the coast of Gaza??

Written by Engineer: Haider Abdul-Jabbar Al-Battat

Joe Biden stated in his last speech that he is in the process of establishing a port on the Gaza coast to deliver humanitarian aid
The US Army says that it will build a port opposite the fishing piers in the sand area for ships coming from the port of Larnaca in Cyprus to dock. .
The British newspaper The Guardian reported that building the port requires American military personnel to go to the beach to install the pier, cranes, and associated bridges. .
An Israeli official told Reuters that Israel fully supports the establishment of the port. .
If we go back to my previous article a year ago in which I emphasized that the Gaza war is for energy and sea routes!!
In fact, the United States, and its successor Israel, have resolved to build ports and natural gas extraction platforms on the continental shelf connected to Gaza.
It paves the way to begin digging the Ben Gurion Navigation Canal parallel to the Suez Canal, and the lie of aid will not fool reasonable people, as the road to the ports of Haifa, Ashdod, and Eilat is much faster than waiting more than six months to build the alleged port.
The path to opening the Rafah crossing is the quickest and closest compared to the imaginary and deceptive options.
Therefore, the port construction project involves large and dangerous plans.

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